Projects - Our Inquiry

Our students have now nominated what project group they want to be in for our inquiry on healthy communities. The inquiry has been divided into four areas of health:Fitness, Social/emotional, Environment and Diet/Food.   Last week the students formulated their guiding questions (the questions they need to have answered in order for them to complete their project). They then had to identify where they would go to find the answers to their questions (internet, books, guest speakers, surveys etc.)
Each week the students will be conferenced in their groups as a way of supporting them through the inquiry. These conferences will help the students set goals and identify skills they need assitance with (designing surveys; writing letters; representing, analysing and drawing conclusions from data collected; referencing resources;  note taking etc.).

This is a page where information about our inquiry projects will be posted. You will see what the Big Question we are investigating is, what research we are expected to do, what we discover the themes and issues are, and what we think we can do as a reponse to our findings. We will post information on the inquiry when we start it and also place examples of our findings. Our inquiry projects this term will be a response to the question: What makes a healthy community?

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