Tuesday, September 4, 2012

5/6 Learning Neighbourhood

Throughout out Inquiry, Alice in Wonderland, the two Year 5/6 neighbourhoods combined to use the learning spaces in a way that best supported the learning. This was a positive experience in that it ensured equitable and effective use of the spaces and resources.

We will continue in this way into the future which will ensure consistency of approach across the Year 5/6 level.

To support and assist the children with getting to workshops, targeted teaching sessions or learning agreement time promptly we will move all lockers into Neighbourhood 1. This will allow the children to sign in (with teacher supervision) when they arrive, get their belongings from their lockers and go directly to the learning area where they need to be.

Children will remain in their current home groups, programs will continue as in the past and their learning will continue to be tracked as it has to date.

The combined 5/6 office will be in Neighbourhood 1 to align with the rest of the school who share a team office.

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